74th Grand National Roadster Show 2024
By Tony Thacker• Photos by Nestor Cabrera & Tony Thacker
Presented by HandHFlatheads.com, MicksPaint.com & USAutomotive.co.uk
The forecast for the 74th O’Reilly Auto Parts Grand National Roadster Show presented by Meguiar’s was for an exceptional show, the weather forecast was equally exceptional calling for epic rain during move-in and move-out. Despite media predictions of California washing into the Pacific, the weather held off for most of the show and the show was as predicted—spectacular.

2024 AMBR winner: Beth Meyers’ ’32 Phantom Phaeton

2024 Al Slonaker Memorial Award winner: David Rush's 1959 Chevrolet Impala ‘Bespoke’

There were nine roadsters in contention for the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Award and a staggering 13 vehicles entered for the Al Slonaker Memorial Award. ARP Racing Products sponsors both awards and each comes with a substantial trophy and a cash prize of $12,500 as well as the prestige of winning what has become the world’s most significant custom car and hot rod show—‘The Grand Daddy of Them All.’

There were some extra special sightings including Tom Prufer’s ‘Cop Shop Coupe’ now owned by New Zealander Greg Stokes, Steve Scott’s ‘Uncertain-T’ now owned by Galpin Ford, Dan Woods’ ‘Butcher Truck’ the very first winner of the Al Slonaker Award and the Pete and Jake’s coupes owned by Jason and Jerry Slover.

Besides the two major categories there were more than 600 deserving participants.

Bare metal masterpieces are always eye catchers and this year there were superb efforts from Brad Lindig, Dan Webb and Gary Schroeder, Stanley Chavik, Troy Trepanier and Luc De Ley.

The HandHFlatheads Best Dressed Flathead Award went to Gary Holyoak for his stunning blown Navarro-equipped flattie but there were many other flatheads on display.

There was the Suede Palace that featured traditional rods and customs.

For further information visit: RodShows.com
Actor Kurt Russell checks out Geoff Stilwell’s record holding 7707 land speed racer and the Goodnight, Keith and Williamson Dos Palmas Machine Spl. that raced from 1963 though 1971.
For further information visit: RodShows.com